National Museum of
Toys and Miniatures
Exhibition Design

The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures hired West Office Exhibition Design for a complete overhaul and masterplan redesign of their museum. I was tasked with graphic design, illustration, art direction, exhibit development, and fabrication monitoring of the exhibits.

The donor wall was toy building blocks laser etched with the donor names.

For these vitrines in the Dolls and Dollhouse exhibit, I illustrated the dollhouses to be cut out in vinyl and placed on the backside of the glass. Giving the impression that the artifacts are displayed in various rooms of dollhouses.

This interactive is a hand cranked zoetrope. The frame by frame animation I made is of a biplane (a symbolic artifact of the museum) flipping around, dropping the pilot, then catching the pilot as he falls.

In the Toys from the Attic exhibit we hired an illustrator to give all the vitrines and furniture the impression that they came from a story book. I found, worked with, and art directed the illustrator and also developed custom type for the exhibit entrance sign. The exhibit also won a national award for a local history exhibit.

This large scale marble game follows the story of a young boy who made it to the National Marble Championship in the early 20th century.

Throughout the exhibit are small peep holes for visitors to discover hidden artifacts.

This is the interior of the Toys Inc. Exhibit. It focused on the manufacturing history of toys. It features two interactives and a large scale custom patent accent wall.